Acfir Solucions Enginyeria SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them and thanks to which it has incorporated a communication system with the workers through digital signage to improve the competitiveness and productivity of the company. December 2022. For this, it has had the support of the Industry 4.0 program of the Girona Chamber of Commerce.
The machine is controlled by PLC and managed with a PC.
Sending sales and stocks online.
High precision robotic axes.
Very low maintenance.
no staff.
Sales 24h.
It is amortized in a few years, being realistic in the possible sales.
Benefits with only 2 pizzas a day..
It has a local, bar, pizzeria, restaurant, camping, shop, etc...
Go check in 24 hours a day.
Robust machine to withstand external incidents.
Only card payment to avoid theft.
Control of sales and software commissions.
High performance and low consumption oven.
WE MANUFACTURE THE MACHINE and if you prefer we supply you with fresh pizzas and consumables.
Possibility of global customization.
Different extras and extensions available.